Women In Transition

From career-woman to wife/partner, and from caring mom to single-motherhood, separation and divorce – women go through more transitions during a lifetime than most of us realize. In many circumstances, transitions overlap. With a change in career or family, women typically experience transformations with a host of other life events that force them willingly or otherwise to make a choice. Our firm has the expertise, the tools and other resources to help women navigate through life’s transitions safely and securely.


Here’s a preview of what our Women in Transition planning and support service covers:

  • Women in transition have a whole set of financial challenges and needs that are unique only to women. But you don’t have to go it alone. From making investment decisions, to dealing with divorce, separation or widowhood, to assuring a secure retirement on your own terms – our experienced advisors are here to help!
  • In 1981, the divorce rate hit an all-time high in the U.S. at 53% of all marriages ending in divorce. While the divorce rate has come down since then, still nearly half of all marriages are wrecked each year. Women facing separation or divorce often face a crisis of identity, that’s compounded by the fact that they feel overwhelmed by the financial implications of this stage of their lives. Transitioning from married to single-again often results in financial challenges (some rather acrimonious!) that most find stressful. Without the right professional advice, uninformed or rushed decisions can be made that could leave you and/or your dependent family members at a huge disadvantage for the rest of your lives.
  • In some instances, women aren’t as “plugged-in” to the family finances as they ought to be.  So, when the disability or sudden death of a spouse leaves women facing an unplanned transition into the role of family Chief Financial Officer (CFO) – some are ill prepared.  Our trained and certified professionals will help you through these uncertain times.